Counter-Islamophobia Kit Project: Countering Islamophobia through the Use of Best Practice in Counter-Narratives in EU Member States
Counter-Islamophobia Kit Project: Countering Islamophobia through the Use of Best Practice in Counter-Narratives in EU Member States
10. Oktober 2018
Center for the Study of Antisemitism, Technische Universität, Berlin
Kategorie: Konferenz
The Counter-Islamophobia Kit project documents and critically analyses dominant Islamophobic narratives in operation, and also counter-Islamophobia narratives and related best practices employed in eight EU member states (Belgium, the UK, France, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Portugal, and the Czech Republic) in order to produce the Counter-Islamophobia Kit. This Toolkit identifies and postulates narratives, arguments, strategies and actions that will be able to directly counter Islamophobia and set guidelines on best practice aimed at
countering this form of racism.
The CIK Project Knowledge Exchange event, hosted by Center for the study of Antisemitism in the Technical University Berlin, aims to present the results of the Counter-Islamophobia Kit Project related to the German context, as well as to present the Key Messages to counter Islamophobia for the national audience.
Moreover, actors engaged in countering Islamophobia throughout Germany will present some of their projects and discuss best practices against Islamophobia tailored to the national context. The CIK Project Knowledge Exchange event will gather academics, experts, journalists, activists, artists, and policy makers interested in, and dealing with Islamophobia. The process of dissemination and knowledge exchange between the project team and Action users will facilitate a process whereby active engagement with the Toolkit will result in changing patterns of the type and nature of narrative responses to Muslim hatred. This provides a foundation for the wider development of a more coherent and systematic approach to, and engagement with, such narratives of hate within EU institutions, national and local governments and with relevant agencies in local communities and other sectors
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