Ausschreibung zur Erkennung und Erfassung von antimuslimischem Rassismus online
Der European Islamophobia Report 2018 warnt vor einer steigenden Gefährdung durch gewaltbereite Rechtsextremisten und einer steigenden Islamfeindlichkeit. Die Mehrheit der Opfer von islamfeindlichen Straftaten sind kopftuchtragende Musliminnen.
Im Bericht heißt es: „… Muslims are already the people who suffer the most from terrorism emanating from radicals in the Muslim world as the vast majority of terrorist attacks occur in Muslim-majority countries. However, Muslims are now facing a new kind of terror rooted in anti-Muslim racism and white supremacist ideology. This fourth edition of European Islamophobia Report shows how European so-cieties are challenged by the rise of violent far-right groups that do not only preach hatred of Muslims but also participate in the organization of bloody terror attacks. In France, the far-right group AFO (Action of Operational Forces) was about to physical-ly attack hundreds of imams, Muslim women, and mosques in the summer of 2018. The AFO was linked to Volontaires Pour la France (Voluntaries for France, VPF) that calls for “defending French identity” and “fighting against the Islamization in France.” In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, since 2015, the network Hannibal re-cruits former security service agents, soldiers, and policemen along with right-wing individuals to prepare them for “Day X,” the day organized society supposedly col-lapses as we know it.The 2019 edition of the EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT), published by EUROPOL, discloses in detail the growing danger of right-wing terrorism even if the study never mentions the anti-Muslim ideological framework working behind this trend. This report investigates in detail the underlying dynamics that directly or indi-rectly support the rise of anti-Muslim racism in Europe. This extends from Islamophobic statements spread in national media to laws and policies that restrain the fundamental rights of European Muslim citizens. As a result, the European Islam-ophobia Report 2018 does not only elaborate on Islamophobic terrorism but also discusses the impact of anti-Muslim discourse upon human rights, multiculturalism, and the state of law in Europe…“